EP.2 EDMS in Actions
The Consulting Engineers Association of Thailand (CEAT) in collaboration with QConZoL, led by Dr. Apirath Prateapusasanond, delay analyst and extension of time (EOT) claim consultant for large construction projects with over 20 years’ experience both in Thailand and abroad, organized a seminar on "New Normal Electronic Document Management Systems-For Small Projects - EP.2: EDMS in Actions” continued from the first seminar to demonstrate how to use EDMS system designed for small construction projects, a new normal for construction document management, approval of documents, reports, document types, document numbers and delivery notes, responses, and delivery objectives. EDMS system can help engineers in moving up to manage large construction projects with ConZoL System which meets the work requirements in a new normal way that we can work quickly from anywhere, whether on a computer or any other portable devices.